Find Points of Interest
On the computer master map, moving your pointer over a Point of In-
terest (POI) symbol triggers a pop-up box with the POI's name. With
MapCreate 6.3, when the information is available, the pop-up box also
displays the POI's address and telephone number. This detailed pop-up
only works for items classified as Points of Interest.
Map with pop-up box showing POI information
In a Lowrance or Eagle GPS, all POI's include the name, address and
phone number.
At left, an iFINDER GPS screen showing a POI pop-up name box. At
right, you can call up a page of information on the POI, and the GPS
unit can lead you to the POI's location.
Find an Address
You won't see addresses on your computer map (except listed in the
pop-ups for some POIs). But when the MapCreate information is loaded
into your GPS, you can search for a street address or a street intersec-
tion. In fact, your GPS unit can search by name for virtually every
category of mapping detail contained in MapCreate.
Cursor over
POI symbol