The mouse pointer's location in latitude and longitude is always
shown in the status bar at the bottom of the MapCreate screen.
Zoom Area
There are several ways to zoom in and zoom out on the Master Map
display. All are described in the Help file's Command Reference, but for
now we'll describe just three. One fast and precise method uses the
zoom area mouse pointer, activated by the Zoom Area button.
1. Click the
ZOOM AREA button, and then place
the zoom area pointer on the map near the location you want to
zoom in on.
2. Now click and drag the pointer. A selection box appears on the map.
Drag the box until it covers the desired zoom area. Release the mouse
button. MapCreate will zoom in so that the selected area fills the Mas-
ter Map window.
At left, the zoom area pointer was used to drag a selection box
around the word "Chicago." When the mouse button was released,
the map jumped to a tighter, zoomed-in view of Chicago. (These fig-
ures show only the center portion of the Master Map.) You can find
the exact zoom range in miles by checking the Zoom Range Window
(see page 46 for more information).
The Zoom Area button can only zoom in on a map. To zoom back
out, use the Zoom Out button or the Z-Out button (see below). The
Zoom Area button also acts like the Center Map button. With the
command active, just click a spot to center it on the screen. You can
also use the Zoom Area pointer to launch pop-up editing menus by
right-clicking on waypoints and icons.
Zoom In/Zoom Out
Another common method for zooming uses the Zoom-In and Zoom-Out
Zoom Box