6. Route the transducer cable to the sonar unit. If possible, route the trans-
ducer cable away from other wiring on the boat. Electrical noise from
the engine’s wiring, bilge pumps, VHF radio wires and cables, and aera-
tors can be picked up by the sonar. Use caution when routing the trans-
ducer cable around these wires.
Clamp the transducer cable to the transom close to the transducer. This
can prevent the transducer from entering the boat if it is knocked off at
high speed.
7. Make a test run to determine the results. If the bottom is lost at high
speed, or if noise appears on the display, try sliding the transducer
bracket down. This puts the transducer deeper into the water, hopefully
below the turbulence causing the noise. Don’t allow the transducer
bracket to go below the bottom of the hull!
Periodically wash the transducer’s face with soap and water to remove
any oil film that may collect. Oil and dirt on the face will reduce the sensi-
tivity or may even prevent operation.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) was developed by the United States
Department of Defense as a 24-hour a day, 365 days a year global navi-
gation system for the military. Civilian availability was added (but with less
accuracy) using the same satellites. Twenty-four satellites orbit the Earth.
Three of these satellites are spares, unused until needed. The rest virtu-
ally guarantee that at least four satellites are in view nearly anywhere on
Earth at all times.
The system requires three satellites in order to determine a position. This
is called a 2D fix. It takes four satellites to determine both position and
elevation, (your height above sea level - also called altitude.) called a 3D
Remember, the unit must have a clear view of the satellites in order to
receive their signals. Unlike radio or television, GPS works at very high
frequencies. The signals can be blocked easily by trees, buildings, even
your body.
Never use this GPS receiver while operating a vehicle!
Like most GPS receivers, this unit doesn’t have a compass or any other
navigation aid built inside. It relies solely on the signals from the satellites