System Information
The system information screen shows the release date and the software’s
version number. To view this screen, highlight the System Info label on the
System Setup menu. Now press the right arrow key. Press the EXIT key
when you’re finished reading this screen.
Items found under the GPS Setup menu include
initialization, (covered at the beginning of this
manual), position format, datums, and more. To
use any of these features, first press the MENU
key, highlight GPS Setup and press the right ar-
row key. The screen shown at right appears.
Position Format/Alternate Format
This unit can show the position in degrees, min-
utes, and thousandths of a minute (36° 28.700') or degrees, minutes,
seconds, and tenths of a second (36° 28' 40.9"). It can also show position
in UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection, German, Taiwan, Brit-
ish, Irish, Swedish, Swiss, Finnish, New Zealand, and Military Grid.
UTM’s are marked on USGS topographic charts. This system divides the
Earth into 60 zones, each 6 degrees wide in longitude.
German, Taiwan, British, Irish, Swedish, Swiss, New Zealand, and Finn-
ish grid systems are the national coordinate system used only in their
respective countries. In order to use these grid systems, you must be in
the respective country. This unit will pick the matching datum for you when
you select the grid. See the Datums section for more information.
The military grid reference system (MGRS) uses two grid lettering
schemes, which are referred to as standard and alternate MGRS on this
unit. Your position and datum in use determines which one to use. If you
use standard, and your position is off significantly, then try the alternate.
Note: When the position format is changed, it affects the way all positions
are shown on all screens. This includes waypoints.
Windows Group “F” has two position displays, standard (shown at the top
of the screen), which is also shown on all other position displays, and
alternate. The alternate position (shown at the bottom of the screen) can
be programmed to show your present position in a different format than
the upper position. For example, you can show latitude/longitude at the
top of the screen and UTM’s at the bottom.