Group L - LMS-160 Only
This group has a digital depth display along with
the sonar alarms setting in the upper left corner
of the screen. (See the sonar section for more
information on the sonar alarms.) A quarter-size
sonar screen shows in the upper right corner.
Surface water temperature shows in the lower
left corner of the screen, both digital and a tem-
perature graph. Water speed and a second tem-
perature show in the bottom right corner of the screen. (Note: Speed and
water temperature on this screen comes from an optional speed/tem-
perature sensor. The TEMP 2 display requires an optional TS-2BK tem-
perature sensor.
Reprogram Window Groups
All of the winodws groups can be customized. The changes you make to
the groups will remain in memory, even if all power is removed from the
unit. You can, however, return the groups to the factory settings using
“Reset Groups” on the system setup menu.
To customize a group, first switch to the group
that you wish to change. For this example, group
“D” is used as shown at right. Next, press the
MENU key, then select “REPROGRAM GROUP”.
The screen shown at the top of the next page
The first window appears at the top of the screen.
To select a different window, press the right or left arrow keys until the
desired window appears. To add it to the group, simply press the down
arrow key. Continue adding windows to the group in this manner until the
group is filled with windows. As you add windows to the group, their rela-
tive position on the screen is represented by boxes in the lower right side
of this screen. When the screen is filled with windows, the unit automati-
Group M - LMS-160 Only
This screen has digital depth, half-screen sonar,
water speed, and surface water temperature dis-