
Outgoing Call Restriction Button (#114)
(See Figure 2-2 on page 2-19 for the location of special programming buttons
such as
s and e on system phones.)
To program an Outgoing Call Restriction button at extension 10:
1. Press
f 0 0 s s # 1 1 4 at extension
10 or 11.
2. At this point:
If you want to assign Outgoing Call Restriction to the first available
button, press
D until the following appears on the display:
CallRstr Button
1 Assigned-Ext10
If you want to remove the Outgoing Call Restriction button
assignment, press
D until the following appears on the
CallRstr Button
2 Not Assigned
If you want to assign Outgoing Call Restriction to a specific button,
3. The following appears on the display:
CallRstr Button
3 Select Button
Then press a programmable button with lights to assign Outgoing
Call Restriction to that button.
3. Select another procedure or exit programming mode.
4. Label the Outgoing Call Restriction button at extension 10.
To change an extension’s Outgoing Call Restriction setting:
1. Press the Outgoing Call Restriction button at extension 10.
The green light next to the Outgoing Call Restriction button turns on and
extension 10 appears busy to the system.
2. Press the Auto Dial button for the desired extension repeatedly until its
lights show the correct setting as follows:
No Restriction
. The green light next to the Auto Dial button is on
Inside Only
. The red light next to the Auto Dial button is on steady.
Local Only
. The green light next to the Auto Dial button flashes.