MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Issue 1
August 1998
Page IN-3
Call Accounting Terminal (CAT), (continued)
on outlet without printer
control unit connections
, 5-13
procedure, 5-11 to 5-13
hardware required, 5-11
printer connections
procedure, 5-14
overview, 8-8
procedure, 8-9
Call Management System (CMS)
documentation, 8-12
hardware and software requirements, 8-11
overview, 8-10
Carrier, 2-18
installation sequence
, 1-1 to 1-2
Connecting a CAT and printer on a different AC outlet, 5-10
Connecting a CAT to the Control Unit, 5-7
Connecting a PC to the control unit
overview, 5-1
Connecting a printer 50 ft or more away from control unit, 5-17 to 5-21
Connecting a printer within 50 feet of control unit, 5-15 to 5-16
Connecting block removal, 3-63
Connectubg a PC more than 50 ft. away, 5-3
Control unit
backboard requirements, 2-4
connecting to AC outlet, 2-44
dimensions, 2-4
environmental requirements, 2-2
forms for, 1-3
front cover, 7-24
grounding requirements, 2-10
diagram, 9-21
housing, 7-22, 9-5
installation forms, 1-3
installing backboard, 2-5
interference, 2-3
location, 2-4
mounting hardware, 2-5
overview, 2-1 to 2-5