MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Network Management
Page 5-9General Programming in Private Networks
Tie Trunks 5
Program analog tandem tie trunks for delay-start seizure type, two way operation,
E&M signalling type (as appropriate), the factory-set default disconnect time of
300 milliseconds, and touch-tone dialing. Refer to
System Programming
detailed programming instructions.
Tandem T1 channels are programmed according to their use for voice or data.
They are not dynamically allocated as PRI B-channels can be. For this reason, T1
tie channels are programmed either as TIE-PBX for T1-emulated voice channels
or as S56 Data for data channels. A T1-emulated data channel supports up to 56
kbps per call. A 2B data call uses two data channels and up to 112 kbps. These
facilities require the same type of DS1 programming that other T1 facilities do.
T1-emulated voice and data tie channels are programmed for delay-start seizure
type, 2-way operation, touch-tone dialing, Ear & Mouth (E&M) signalling type (as
appropriate) and the factory-set default disconnect and answer supervision times.
The system supports use of fractional T1 facilities for tandem trunking, so that you
can order a point-to-point T1 circuit with just the number of channels (from 1 to 23)
that you require. As required, the service provider supplies amplification but not
the service carried on the channels; you program the service. You can also place
drop-and-insert equipment on T1 facilities that link private networked systems,
allowing the use of T1 channels for non-MERLIN LEGEND data/video
communications between sites, while keeping the remaining channels for
MERLIN LEGEND voice/data traffic. In either case, all 24 channels count towards
the system maximum of 80 lines/trunks.
DID Trunks 5
If your system includes DID trunks that route calls to non-local extensions, include
the non-local extensions in your planning for DID trunks. You can, if necessary,
delete all the digits from the DID numbers you have purchased from a service
provider and substitute the non-local extension number (calling group number, for
example) required for routing across the private network. Refer to
for detailed programming instructions.
If DID calls are to be routed to 5-digit DEFINITY ECS or DEFINITY ProLogix
Solutions system extension numbers, it is best if the DID trunks are directly
connected to the DEFINITY ECS or DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions system,
although digit prepending can be used on private networked MERLIN LEGEND
Communications Systems to direct these calls. If digit prepending is used, include
the last four digits of the DEFINITY ECS or DEFINITY Prologix Solutions system
5-digit extension, then use UDP routing to prepend the first digit.