MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Page 6-30No Message Waiting Light Update
■ If the switch identifiers are correct and the problem persists, do one of the
— If the call is being routed over any tandem PRI facilities, go to Possible
Cause 2.
— If the call is being routed over tandem tie trunks, the call information sent
to the centralized VMS/AA for both inside calls and outside calls
indicates an outside calls.
Possible Cause 2: System programming is not correct or tandem tie trunks are
used to route the call.
What to Do: The action you takes depends on how frequently the problem
■ If the problem occurs for all calls, verify that the outgoing VMI calling group
is programmed as Integrated VMI.
■ If the problem occurs only on tandem tie-trunks, verify trunk type. The call
information sent to the VMS for both Inside calls and outside calls indicates
an inside call. Program the VMS message as necessary to provide a
generic message for both inside and outside calls.
■ If the problem occurs only on tandem PRI trunks, Verify that switch
identifier is not zero. See procedure earlier in this chapter.
■ If the problem occurs only at certain times, check the time zone for Night
Service and make adjustments to VMS recordings as needed.
No Message Waiting Light Update 6
The following are likely circumstances in which Message Waiting lights are not
■ The error log indicates that Message Waiting light update has been
delayed more than one minute. Errors are 0C04 (Message Waiting light
facility timeout) and 0C05 (Message Waiting light delivery delay).
■ A selected tandem facility between the caller or called VMI extension is out
of service. Check the error logs and if the error indicates an out of service
condition, call the Lucent Technologies Helpline at 1 800 628-2888;
consultation charges may apply.
■ No Touch-Tone Receivers (TTRs) available at a remote system when using
tie trunks. This can be verified by checking for the 0c03 error on the error
log on the remote switches. If this error persists, contact your local service
■ A technician may be performing maintenance on local tandem trunks or
non-local tandem trunks included in the routes for the call.
■ A power failure may have occurred at the destination system or at another
networked system whose tandem trunks are included in routes for the call.