MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Page IN-9
Allowed/Disallowed Lists
, 4-4, 4-9
callback, 4-9
calling restrictions, 4-3
Extension Status, 4-4
Night Service, 4-4
overview, 4-2
Personal Lines, 4-3
planning, 4-1
Pools, 4-3
Remote Access, 4-3
routing outside calls, 4-5
scenarios, 2-12
transfer, trunk-to-trunk, 4-3
trunk-to-trunk transfer, 4-3
Series configuration
, 1-7
Service cost savings, 1-4
Service Observing
feature interactions, 3-22
feature interactions
, 3-22
Speed Dial
feature interactions
, 3-25
Star configuration
illustration, 1-8, 1-9, 1-14, 1-16
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
feature interactions
, 3-23 to 3-25
troubleshooting, 6-25
Switch 56 Data Information Report, B-27
Switch identifiers
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server (ECS) and DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions, 5-20
programming, 5-19
troubleshooting, 6-9, 6-19, 6-20, 6-29
Switch type
, 5-23
troubleshooting, 6-9, 6-10, 6-28
System date and time, 5-8
System forms, 6-2
System programming, see Programming
System Renumbering
feature interactions
, 3-26
System reports, see Reports
feature interactions
, 3-19
fractional use, 5-9
ordering, 5-22
programming, 5-9
Tandem facilities
centralized voice messaging system
, 1-22