CF Flash Cards, CAB Files and Programs 101
E-EQ-VX3XRG-G VX3X Reference Guide
CF Flash Cards, CAB Files and Programs
The Flash card is intended to protect the user from losing the LXE drivers and configuration
information in the event of a cold boot. Also, on any boot, the contents of any registered CAB
files are automatically unpacked.
Access Files on the Flash Card
Tap the My Device icon on the Desktop then tap the System icon.
A flash card is used for permanent storage of the LXE drivers and utilities. It is also used for
registry content back up. The flash card is located in the socket under the main battery pack.
CAB files, when executed, are not deleted.
SUMMIT.CAB Summit Client files needed for network card operation.
The following CAB files are optional and may or may not be present:
BLUETOOTH.CAB Bluetooth Client files needed for LXEZ Pairing operation.
LXE_VX3X_ENABLER.CAB Wavelink Avalanche Enabler.
RFTERM.CAB RFTerm terminal emulation application.
JAVA.CAB Java application.
APPLOCK.CAB AppLock program. See Chapter 6 “AppLock”.
Note: Always perform a warm reset (Start / Run / Warmboot) when exchanging one flash card
for another.