User’s Guide
Final Mix Preset Preset Description Preset Type
Female Broadcast Optimized Female compression Radio and television
settings for radio or TV broadcast. broadcast (female)
Uses an EQ lift between 100 and
300Hz with a 75Hz roll off. This
simulates Electro Voice RE-20
microphone response.
Female Vox Comp Good all around compression Good over all female
and EQ. Good for most female vocal mix
singing voices.
Final Mix Vocal Medium compression set to Use with any vocal
optimal vocal crossover points style
500Hz to 2.5K.
General CD Mastering General purpose, all around General all around
mastering. mastering
H_+6 dB Gain A 6 dB lift created by a +3 dB input +6 dB boost
gain and a +3 dB output gain.
Linked contour bands are set to
1:1 so they don’t introduce any
H_12 Band EQ Shows off overlapping the 6 bands Demonstrates how
of pre and post EQ’s to form a the pre and post EQs
12-band parametric EQ. can be combined to
create a 12-band EQ
H_Bass Pre EQ, high shelf; post EQ, low Compress bass,
Comp-Treble Exp shelf. The contours are set to add expand treble
compression to the lows, and
expansion to the highs.
H_Jazz Mix Uses 3-band pre EQ w/three bands Contemporary jazz
of compression that are set as mastering
tighter bass, mids, and highs.
H_Leveler With EQ Three bands of pre EQ with a shelf Hot output + EQ mix
set on the highs. A pronounced
key in the lows, and 6 dB of gain
makeup. Comp bands are linked.
H_Loudness & Mild loudness EQ curve set by Hot output with
Mild Comp post EQ peak in the lows, and a mid boost
shelf in the highs. Linked comp
bands with medium attack and
slow release used for over-all
H_Loudness EQ Smiley-face EQ to compensate for Hot output + EQ mix
quiet levels.
H_Mid Lift Simple wide Pre EQ midrange lift. Boosts midrange
H_Mild Expansion Three contour bands are set to act Expands midrange
as midrange expanders to add a bit
more dynamics and liven up
a performance.