User’s Guide
Final Mix Preset Preset Description Preset Type
Male Vox Comp Good all around compression and Good over all male
EQ. Good for most male singing vocal mix
Moderate + Hi Low EQ Moderate compression with high High and low EQ
and low EQ boost. boost
Moderate + Mid EQ Moderate compression with a bit of Mid EQ boost
EQ boost for mid frequencies.
Orchestral Finely tuned light compression for All-around orchestra mix
full orchestra.
Pop Medium, non-intrusive compression. All-around pop mix
Pump DA Bass Pumps up the low end for an ultra Fat bottom end
phatt sound.
Punch Medium compression emphasizing Punchy R&B mix
low and high end compression.
Radio Punch Mix Gives your mix added punch for Add punch for radio
radio or television. Designed for and television
FM frequencies.
Sell It! In your face sound that can’t Up front and noticeable
be denied.
Smoothed Out 1 Top and bottom compression just Lifts and tightens a
offset from key centers. lifeless mix, mild
compression boosts
bottom and top end
Smoothed Out 2 Variation of Smoothed out 1.
Smoothed Out 3 Variation of Smoothed out 1.
Squash It 1 Extreme compression. Heavy compression
Reminiscent of the main mix
compressor on an SSL when it’s
pushed hard into a Pultec EQ.
Squash It 2 Variation (extreme compression). Heavy compression
Reminiscent of the main mix
compressor on an SSL when it’s
pushed hard into a Pultec EQ.
Squawk Squash Designed to crush heavy midrange Mid killer
The Brass Balls Medium to heavy compression with In your face, to the
bass boost EQ. wall compression
with bass boost
Vocal General purpose vocal mastering; Good on vocals
less compression in the middle to
preserve a singer’s dynamics.