User’s Guide
Final Mix Preset Preset Description Preset Type
H_Notch EQ One pre EQ band set extremely low. Use to eliminate bad
Used to remove a frequencies
problem frequency.
H_One Comp Band Uses the middle contour band as a Used as one over all
single broadband compressor. The compressor
Xover has its borders at 20Hz and
20kHz with 36 dB slopes. The band
two key is set to match the Xover.
H_Punchy Kick Knock you through the wall kick Rock steady bass
sound. Soft low band compression drum mix
with 100Hz pre EQ lift.
H_Smooth Highs Heavy high end compression with a Emphasize high end
Post EQ high shelf lift.
H_Telephone Comp Special effect that simulates Telephone effect
telephone reception. Shows off the
concept of shutting bands off as
H_The Leveler #2 Linked comp bands @ 1.79:1 ratios. Good overall master
A small post EQ high lift is added. output control
Use the Thresh or Input Gain faders
to add or remove compression.
The Output faders are used to trim
over all.
Heavy Vox + Heavily compressed vocal setting Heavy vocal
10K Boost and 10k boost with linking bands. compression with
10k lift
Instrumental Perfectly tweaked compression for All-around
any instrumental mix. instrumental mix
Jazz Final Mix The perfect mastering compliment All-around jazz mix
to well recorded live jazz.
Light + EQ Just a touch of compression with Easy comp
EQ for subtle mastering. mastering +EQ
Light Vox Comp + EQ Just a touch of light compression Light vocal
with optimized vocal cross overs. compression with EQ
Long Distance Hello out there, does anyone Far away effect
hear me? Spacey EQ and
compression effect.
Loudness Gives you hotter output. Hot output
Male Broadcast Optimized Male compression Radio and television
settings for radio or TV broadcast. broadcast (male)
Uses an EQ lift between 100 and
300Hz. Has a 75Hz roll off to
simulate Electro Voice RE-20
microphone response.