f-stop are only required for correct distance and flash
range indication on the LC display and are therefore
irrelevant for TTL flash shots. Consequently,it is not
imperative to set them.
• Zoom reflector positioning is important for the correct
illumination of the entire subject. It should therefore
always be adapted to the focal length of the lens.
If you are using a zoom lens and do not constantly need
the full power and maximum flash range of the meca-
blitz, you can leave the zoom reflector at the shortest
focal length of the zoom lens. In this manner the entire
subject will be uniformly illuminated, thereby also elimi-
nating the need to constantly adapt the zoom reflector
position to the given focal length.
Let us assume that you are using a 28 mm - 80 mm
zoom lens. In this case you set the zoom reflector to
position 28 mm!
Una vez memorizada el símbolo TTL aparece de forma
continua, ya no parpadea.
If the mecablitz is used with an SCA 3xx2 adap-
ter on a camera that transmits data to the flash
unit, it can happen that the ISO speed rating is
not displayed (depending on the camera model);
see the operating instructions for the SCA adap-
ter.It may then be impossible to change the ISO
film speed and aperture! With wide differences
in contrast, e.g. a dark object in the snow, corre-
sponding exposure corrections may be neces-
sary in TTL mode (see Chapter 14).
TTL flash mode
Mode flash TTL
Funcionamiento TTL
700 47 0078-A4 PDF GB-I-E 30.09.2008 14:12 Uhr Seite 20