8. Fill-in flash in daylight
The mecablitz can also be used for fill-in flash in daylight
to soften harsh shadows and diminish the contrast, the-
reby producing a more balanced exposure when shoo-
ting against the light (contre-jour).Various possibilities
are open to the user for fill-in flash.
8.1 Fill-in flash in TTL mode
The mecablitz must be equipped with a suitable SCA
adapter.The camera must be able to support TTL fill-in
• Press the MODE button repeatedly until TTL appears
on the display.
Most cameras automatically activate fill-in flash when in
Full Auto Mode, Intelligent Program AE P,and in Pro-
grammmed Image Control Modes during daylight (see
also operating instructions of camera and SCA adapter).
The camera will then automatically ensure a well-balan-
ced illumination of subject and background.
Moreover,some cameras offer a special fill-in flash pro-
gram which permits pin-pointed use whenever required.
Depending upon the camera type, activation is either on
the camera or mecablitz (see operating instructions of
camera and SCA adapter).
Example: Matrix-controlled fill-in flash (only for cer-
tain Nikon cameras):
The mecablitz must be equipped with the SCA 3402
adapter (Nikon)!
Various Nikon cameras support the „Matrix-controlled
TTL fill-in flash mode“ (see operating instructions of the
given camera and the SCA adapter).This flash mode is a
sub-mode of TTL flash mode. Chapter 3.1 describes how
it is set.
Example: 3D multi-sensor fill-in flash (only for cer-
tain Nikon cameras):
The mecablitz must be equipped with the SCA 3402
adapter (Nikon)!
Various Nikon cameras support the „3D multi-sensor fill-
in flash mode“ (see operating instructions of the given
camera and the SCA adapter).This flash mode is a sub-
mode of TTL flash mode. Chapter 3.1 describes how it is
Fill-in flash in daylight
Lampo di schiarita in luce diurna
Destellos de aclaración con luz diurna
Fig.10a / Figura 10a / Grabado 10a
Fig.10b / Figura 10b / Grabado 10b
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