We congratulate you on purchasing this flash unit and
thank you for your confidence in Metz products.
It is only natural that you should want to use your flash
unit straight away. However,we recommend that you
study these Operating Instructions beforehand to be able
to fully exploit and utilize all the capabilities offered.
The following operating instructions are conceived such
that they describe a camera + flashgun system combi-
ned with the standard foot 301 or an SCA 3xx2 adapter.
When using the standard foot 301, all operating steps
marked with a dot • and red numbers must be perfor-
med on the mecablitz.
If an SCA 3xx2 adapter is used,only the operating steps
marked with red numbers must be performed on the
This flash unit is compa
tible with:
• all cameras that have a hot shoe contact
• All cameras that have an accessory shoe without hot-
shoe contact, and use a synch cable (see Optional
• System cameras
Optimal adaptation to your camera is achieved by
using an SCA adapter.The enclosed SCA 3xx2/3xx
Table will indicate the adapter you require for your par
ticular camera.This table also indicates the special
flash functions that can then be performed.
700 47 0078-A4 PDF GB-I-E 30.09.2008 14:12 Uhr Seite 4