4 Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – Avoid use of magnetic
resonance imaging as it has been shown to cause movement of
the CRT-Ps within the subcutaneous pocket and may cause pain
and injury to the patient and damage to the CRT-P. If the
procedure must be used, constant monitoring is recommended,
including monitoring the peripheral pulse.
Rate Adaptive Pacing – Use rate adaptive pacing with care in
patients unable to tolerate increased pacing rates.
NIPS – Life threatening ventricular arrhythmias can be induced
by stimulation in the ventricle. Ensure that an external cardiac
defibrillator is accessible during tachycardia testing. Only
physicians trained and experienced in tachycardia induction and
reversion protocols should use non-invasive programmed
stimulation (NIPS).
High Output Settings – High output settings combined with
extremely low lead impedance may reduce the life expectancy of
the Stratos CRT-Ps. Programming of pulse amplitudes, higher
than 4.8 V, in combination with long pulse widths and/or high
pacing rates may lead to premature activation of the
replacement indicator.
1.5.1 Interactions with Other Medical Therapy
Before applying one of the following procedures, a detailed
analysis of the advantages and risks should be made. Cardiac
activity during one of these procedures should be confirmed by
continuous monitoring of peripheral pulse or blood pressure.
Following the procedures, CRT-P function and stimulation
threshold must be checked.
Therapeutic Diathermy Equipment – Use of therapeutic
diathermy equipment is to be avoided for pacemaker patients
due to possible heating effects of the CRT-P and at the implant
site. If diathermy therapy must be used, it should not be applied
in the immediate vicinity of the CRT-P or leads. The patient's
peripheral pulse should be monitored continuously during the