Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual 123
5. Battery, Pulse and Lead
The following pulse, battery and lead data can be measured
noninvasively by means of analog telemetry:
Table 25. Measurable Parameters of Analog Telemetry
Parameters Measuring Unit
Battery voltage V
Battery impedance kΩ
Battery current µA
Pulse voltage V
Pulse current mA
Pulse energy µJ
Pulse charge µC
Lead impedance Ω
5.1 Threshold Test - Testing the Pacing
Stratos CRT-Ps are equipped with a high-precision threshold
test with a resolution of 0.1 V ranging from 0.1 V to 7.2 V. The
threshold test is activated as a temporary program whose
specific operation is defined by the applicable software version.
The threshold is determined by observing the ECG. Likewise, all
determinations of threshold or threshold margin, by any means,
should only be performed by use of temporary programming to
permit immediate reactivation of the permanent program in case
of loss of capture. Removal of the programmer head
immediately stops the test and reactivates the permanent
program. Please refer to the appropriate software technical
manual for a description of the threshold test operation.
The threshold test should be performed with the pulse width
programmed to the same value as that selected for the
permanent program. To ensure pacing, the pacing rate of the
threshold test program should exceed the patient's intrinsic rate.