Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual 5
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) –
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation may interfere with
CRT-P function. If necessary, the following measures may
reduce the possibility of interference:
• Place the TENS electrodes as close to each other as
• Place the TENS electrodes as far from the CRT-P/lead
system as possible.
• Monitor cardiac activity during TENS use.
Defibrillation – The following precautions are recommended to
minimize the inherent risk of CRT-P operation being adversely
affected by defibrillation:
• The paddles should be placed anterior-posterior or along
a line perpendicular to the axis formed by the CRT-P
and the implanted lead.
• The energy setting should not be higher than required to
achieve defibrillation.
• The distance between the paddles and the CRT-P/leads
should not be less than 10 cm (4 inches).
Radiation – The CRT-P’s internal electronics may be damaged
by exposure to radiation during radiotherapy. To minimize this
risk when using such therapy, the CRT-P should be protected
with local radiation shielding.
Lithotripsy – Lithotripsy treatment should be avoided for CRT-P
patients since electrical and/or mechanical interference with the
CRT-P is possible. If this procedure must be used, the greatest
possible distance from the point of electrical and mechanical
strain should be chosen in order to minimize a potential
interference with the CRT-P.
Electrocautery – Electrocautery should never be performed
within 15 cm (6 inches) of an implanted CRT-P or leads because
of the danger of introducing fibrillatory currents into the heart
and/or damaging the CRT-P. Pacing should be asynchronous
and above the patient’s intrinsic rate to prevent inhibition by
interference signals generated by the cautery. When possible, a
bipolar electrocautery system should be used.