The PROFI CAR offers the following facilities for setting up the steering function:
• Servo norm, centre and travel right/left (èè 6.1)
These settings are used to adjust the servo to match your car’s mechanical
system, and at the same time determine the maximum steering travel and the
centre setting for straight running.
• Steering MINTRA (MINimum TRAvel) (èè 6.2)
You can adjust the steering travel using the digi-adjustor while you are running
the car. This enables you to fine-tune the steering response to suit changing
course conditions or vehicle characteristics (e.g. tyre temperature). This menu
point allows you to define the smallest steering travel which you can set by
rotating the digi-adjustor. MINTRA avoids the danger of suddenly having no
steering control if you turn the adjustor too far by mistake. The smallest value
you can set is 30%.
• EXPO (èè 6.3
By applying EXPOnential to the steering function, you can make the steering
response of your car more or less sensitive around the centre position.
• Steering travel and trim increment (èè 6.4)
(„T“ menu, menu point „TRIM“)
The effect of trim rocker A (steering centre point) and the digi-adjustor (steering
travel) can be set to FINE (1% increments), MEDIUM (2% increments) or COARSE
(4% increments). The selected setting also applies to all other trim rockers.
6.1. Adjusting the steering servo
The first step is to set the signal norm and the direction of rotation for the servo,
followed by the settings for left (LL), straight ahead (••) and right (ŒŒ). These basic
settings ensure that servo 1 (steering servo) is set up correctly to suit the
characteristics of your model.
The drawing on the right shows an example of
the settings available in the “S-TRA” menu. The
stated angles (0°/45°) show what the servo “can
do”. The adjustments points „LL“ and „ŒŒ“ define
the maximum travel set for the steering servo.
To adjust either of these points you must turn
the steering wheel in the corresponding
direction. At the „••“point you determine the servo setting for “straight ahead”.
The “S-NORM” menu point is used to select the signal format (MULTIPLEX or
UNIVERSAL) and direction of rotation for the servo. “MULTIPLEX norm” means that
the pulse width for the centre position is 1.6 ms, and the full range is +/- 0.55 ms.
UNIVERSAL servos operate on 1.5 ms +/- 0.5 ms. If the selected signal format does not
match your servo, the centre position and travels will not be correct.
The “S-TRAV” menu point is used to set the centre position and steering travels for
right and left.