The next step is to define the basic settings for full throttle (LL), idle (••) and for the
lock point (ŒŒ). These settings ensure that servo 2 (throttle/brake servo) is set up
correctly to suit your model.
A press until
2: •- 3
Select the desired
point with the trigger,
then set using the
ŒŒ Lock point 0 – 110 %
•• Idle +/- 50 %
LL Full throttle 0 – 110 %
7.3. Idle trim
The idle trim can be used to compensate for changes in the
running characteristics of any car with an internal-combustion
motor, e.g. changes due to fluctuations in motor temperature.
Idle trim allows you to adjust the idle by 28% in either
direction. Each increment offsets the idle point by at least 1%
(fine) and at most 4% (coarse). You can select the size of the
trim increment in the “TRIM” menu point of the „T“ (è6.4,
page10). The default setting is MEDIUM (2%).
A vertical bar on the screen shows the current trim setting. In
the example on the right the idle has been offset in the
direction of “reduced throttle” by about half the full trim
7.4. Trimming the brake lock point
The lock point of the brake tends to vary in the course of a
race, so we have provided a trim rocker which can be used to
compensate for these variations. The rocker affects the lock
point of the THROTTLE/BRAKE servo (servo 2).
The brake trim allows you to adjust the lock point by 28% in
either direction. Each increment offsets the idle by at least 1%
(fine) and at most 4% (coarse). You can select the size of the
trim increment in the “TRIM” menu point of the „T“ menu
(è 6.4, page 10). The default setting is MEDIUM (2%).
A vertical bar on the screen shows the current trim setting. In
the example on the right the lock point of the throttle/brake
servo has been offset in the direction of “greater brake effect”
by slightly less than half the full trim range.