[Duplex/Combine] 7-7
Whether the scanned document and the printed copy are printed on just one
side or both sides can be specified. In addition, document images of multiple
pages (2 or 4 pages) can be combined and printed on a single page.
Item Description
[Duplex] Select whether simplex (single-sided) or duplex
(double-sided) copies are to be printed.
[1 > 1]: Select this setting to produce single-sided
copies from single-sided documents.
[1 > 2]: Select this setting to produce one dou-
ble-sided copy from two single-sided documents.
[2 > 1]: Select this setting to produce two sin-
gle-sided copies from one double-sided docu-
[2 > 2]: Select this setting to produce dou-
ble-sided copies from double-sided documents.
[Combine] Select whether to make combined copies.
[No]: Select this setting to not produce combined
[2 in 1]: Select this setting to copy two document
pages onto one page.
[4 in 1 Horizontal]: Select this setting to copy four
document pages onto one page. The document
images will be arranged horizontally.
[4 in 1 Vertical]: Select this setting to copy four
document pages onto one page. The document
images will be arranged vertically.