Specifying destinations 10-27
Selecting from the Favorites list
When destinations are registered, they can be specified as [Favorites].
As a default, the [Favorites] destination list appears when the initial Scan to
Folder mode screen is displayed.
Select a destination from the list. To specify multiple destinations for a broad-
cast transmission, specify all destinations where the data is to be sent.
" The setting for the Favorites list can be specified for a destination
when it is registered. For details, refer to “Registering an address book
destination” on page 10-34.
Selecting with an index search
Destinations can be selected by searching for the index characters specified
when each destination was registered.
1 In the initial Scan to Folder mode screen, press .
2 Press the desired index tab to search for destinations.
– If the desired index tab is not displayed, press [ ] or [ ] until the
desired tab appears.
– To select a group destination, press [ ], and then press [Group] on
the rightmost end.
3 Select the destination, and then press [OK].
– To specify multiple destinations, specify all destinations where the
data is to be sent.
Selecting by searching for a destination type or name
Destinations can be selected by searching for their type or name.
1 In the initial Scan to Folder mode screen, press .
2 Press [Search].
3 Select the method to search for destinations.
– [Type]: Select the destination type (“FTP”, “SMB”, “WebDAV”, etc.).
– [Name]: Directly enter the name of the destination to be searched for.
Type in the name to be searched for, and then press [OK] to display a
list of the search results.
4 Select the destination, and then press [OK].
– To specify multiple destinations, select all destinations where the data
is to be sent.
5 Press [OK].