[Admin Settings] 3-45
" All factory default values are shown in bold.
Item Description
[TCP/IP] Specify network settings for the machine.
[Enable] Settings [ON] / [OFF]
Select the setting for connecting to this
machine through a network.
" If [OFF] is selected, the TCP/IP
parameters do not appear.
[IP Address] Settings []
Specify the IP address used by this machine on
the network.
[Subnet Mask] Settings []
Specify the subnet mask.
[Gateway] Settings []
Specify the gateway address.
[DHCP] Settings [ON] / [OFF]
If there is a DHCP server on the network, spec-
ify whether the IP address and other network
information are automatically assigned by the
DHCP server.
[BOOTP] Settings [ON] / [OFF]
If there is a BOOTP server on the network,
specify whether the IP address and other net-
work information are automatically assigned by
the BOOTP server.
[ARP/PING] Settings [ON] / [OFF]
Select whether or not the ARP/PING command
is used when the IP address is assigned.
[HTTP] Settings [Enable] / [Disable]
Select whether or not to enable HTTP.
[FTP] Settings [Enable] / [Disable]
Select whether or not to enable the FTP server.