
Lab-NB User Manual Index-10 © National Instruments Corporation
NI-DAQ driver software, 1-3
NuBus interface circuitry, 3-2 to 3-3
block diagram, 3-2
OBF* signal
description (table), 2-13
mode 1 output timing, 2-15
mode 2 bidirectional timing, 2-16
OBFA* bit, 4-62, 4-64
OBFB* bit, 4-62
OKI 82C55A programmable peripheral
interface. See 82C55A Digital I/O
Register group.
operation of Lab-NB. See theory of
optional equipment for Lab-NB, 1-4 to 1-5
OUT signal
counter block diagram, 3-11
general-purpose timing, 2-21 to 2-24
specifications and ratings, 2-23
timing requirements (figure), 2-24
OUTA2 signal, 4-54 to 4-55
OUTB0 signal (table), 2-7
OUTB1 signal (table), 2-7
OUTB2 signal (table), 2-7
OVERFLOW bit, 4-9
overflow conditions in programming
analog input circuitry, 4-38
multiple A/D conversions
on single input channel, 4-42, 4-45
using external timing, 4-48, 4-51
OVERRUN bit, 4-9
overrun conditions in programming
multiple A/D conversions
on single input channel, 4-42, 4-45
using external timing, 4-48, 4-51
PA<0..7> signal (table), 2-7
PAINTEN bit, 4-31
*PAINTEN bit, 4-33
parts locator diagram, 2-2
PB<0..7> signal (table), 2-7
PBINTEN bit, 4-31
*PBINTEN bit, 4-33
PC<0..7> signal (table), 2-7
physical specifications, A-4
pin assignments
I/O connector (figure), 2-5 to 2-6, B-1
Port C
mode 1 input, 4-60
mode 1 output, 4-62
mode 2, 4-64
Port A Register, 4-26
Port B Register, 4-27
Port C Register
description, 4-28
pin assignments (figure)
mode 1 input, 4-60
mode 1 output, 4-62
mode 2, 4-64
pin connections, 2-11 to 2-12
resetting of ports A and C
(warning), 2-11
set/reset control words (table), 4-65
signal assignments (table), 2-12
status-word bit definitions
bidirectional data path, 4-64
input, 4-60
output, 4-62
posttrigger DAQ timing (figure)
EXTCONV* high when trigger
sensed, 2-18
EXTCONV* low when trigger
sensed, 2-18
posttrigger mode
controlled acquisition mode, 4-46
to 4-48
freerun acquisition mode, 4-51
initiating multiple A/D conversion DAQ
operation using EXTTRIG, 4-45
power requirements from Macintosh
NuBus, A-3
controlling EXTTRIG signal, 2-17, 2-19
description, 4-7
initiating multiple A/D conversion DAQ
using EXTCONV*, 4-46
using EXTTRIG, 4-45