
Chapter 4 Register-Level Programming
© National Instruments Corporation 4-5 Lab-NB User Manual
Analog Input Register Group
The four registers making up the Analog Input Register Group control the analog input circuitry
and are used for reading from the A/D FIFO. The A/D Configuration Register selects the input
channel to be read, the gain for that channel, and some information about the input data. The
Status Register reports the status of the current A/D conversion and returns any errors found.
Reading the A/D FIFO Register returns stored A/D conversion results. Writing to this register
resets the error bits in the Status Register and empties the A/D FIFO. One garbage data byte is
stored in the FIFO as a result of the clear operation, so the FIFO must be read after an A/D clear
to remove this data byte before starting a new conversion.
Bit descriptions for the registers in the Analog Input Register Group are given on the following