
Register-Level Programming Chapter 4
Lab-NB User Manual 4-32 © National Instruments Corporation
Bit Name Description (continued)
the Timer Interrupt Clear Register. This interrupt allows waveform
generation on the analog output because the same signal that sets
the interrupt also updates the DAC output if the corresponding
TMRWG bit in the DAC Configuration Register is set. If this bit
is cleared, interrupts from EXTUPDATE* and counter A2 output
are ignored.
0 ADCINTEN A/D Conversion Interrupt Enable Bit—This bit enables or disables
generation of an interrupt at the end of an A/D conversion using
the 12-bit ADC. A DAQ operation is a multiple A/D conversion
sequence that is timed and controlled by the Lab-NB onboard
counter/timers. Whether the operation is a single or multiple
conversion, if this bit is set, an interrupt is generated whenever the
A/D FIFO contains conversion data, that is, when the A/D FIFO is
not empty. If this bit is cleared, interrupts from the A/D FIFO are