System Settings
ReadyNAS OS 6.0
To manage alert email contacts:
1. Select System > Settings > Alerts.
2. Configure the email settings as explained in the following table:
Item Description
Email Enter an email address. You can also edit an existing alert contact or delete it
by clearing the field.
Email Account
Select your email account provider from the drop-down list:
• Gmail
• Yahoo
• Custom (requires you to manually complete fields under Advanced Options)
User Enter the user name that is asso
ciated with the email address.
Password Enter the password that is associated
with the email address.
Advanced Options If you selected Gmail, AOL, or Yahoo as your email account provider, the
Advanced Options fields are automatically populated. If you selected Custom,
you must enter the Advanced Options fields manually.
SMTP Server Enter the address of the outgoing SMTP server.
SMTP Port Enter the port number for the outgoing SMTP server.
From Enter a valid email address that identifies the sender of the
il alert.
Use TLS Select this check box to use email encryption over TLS.
The storage system uses these credentials to authenticate with the outgoing mail server
so that it can send email alerts.