
System Settings
ReadyNAS OS 6.0
To manage installed apps:
Select Apps > Installed on the local admin page.
A list of apps installed on your ReadyNAS system displays.
From this screen, you can launch, enable, disable, configure, or remove installed apps.
Discovery Services
Discovery services are protocols that allow network-enabled devices like computers or your
storage system to discover each other across networks. Your storage system supports these
discovery service protocols:
Bonjour. Enab
les discovery of various services on your ReadyNAS system and
provides a way to connect to the local admin page for your ReadyNAS, IPP printing,
and AFP services. OS X has built-in Bonjour support, and you can download Bonjour
for Windows from Apple’s website.
UPnP (Unive
rsal Plug-n-Play). Allows UPnP-enabled clients to discover your
ReadyNAS system on your LAN.