Shared Folders
ReadyNAS OS 6.0
Manage ReadyDROP Files from a ReadyDROP-Enabled Device
You can use your ReadyDROP-enabled device’s native interface to manage ReadyDROP
To manage ReadyDROP files from a Windows device:
1. Launch the ReadyNAS Remote client sof
tware on your computer.
2. Right
-click the ReadyNAS Remote icon in the system tray.
3. From the pop-up menu that displays, select Log In.
The ReadyNAS Remote icon blinks while the d
evice is connecting and displays as blue
when it is connected.
4. Right
-click the ReadyNAS Remote icon in the system tray.
5. From the pop-up menu that
displays, select Open ReadyDROP.
6. From
the drop-down menu that displays, select the device that contains the ReadyDROP
folder that you want to access.
ReadyDROP launches and the ReadyDROP icon displays in the system tray.
7. Click the ReadyDROP icon.
8. From the dro
p-down menu that displays, select Open ReadyDROP Folder.
The contents of your ReadyDROP fold
er displays in Windows Explorer.
You can now add, delete, or edit files in th
e ReadyDROP folder using the standard
interface on your Windows device. Changes are synchronized with your ReadyNAS
system and all other ReadyDROP-enabled devices.