Backup and Recovery
ReadyNAS OS 6.0
4. Enter your ReadyNAS Vault account credentials and click Login.
Note: If you do not have an account yet, use the Clic
k here to register link to
set it up. You can use the same ReadyNAS Vault account for all of your
ReadyNAS systems.
The screen adjusts to display new options.
5. Click the Manage ReadyNAS Vault button.
A setup wizard launches in a new browser window to h
elp you configure ReadyNAS Vault
backups for your ReadyNAS system.
Note: After initial setup, you can change your ReadyNAS Vault backup
settings at any time by clicking the Manage ReadyNAS Vault button.
6. Follow t
he instructions of the ReadyNAS Vault setup wizard.
For more instructions about how to use ReadyNAS Vault, visit