Shared Folders
ReadyNAS OS 6.0
9. Click OK.
Your changes are saved and the pop-up screen closes.
10. Make sure tha
t the remote shared folder on the network-attached device is configured for
file sharing.
You can now access the remote shared folder fro
m your ReadyNAS system using the
SMB protocol. For information about how to access your system using the SMB protocol,
see Use a Windows Device on p
age 61 or Use a Mac OS X Device on page 62.
Hide a Shared Folder
This feature is available for SMB only. Hiding a folder prevents users from discovering the
folder unless they explicitly specify the folder name in the browse path.
To configure advanced settings for SMB:
1. On the
folder settings pop-up screen, select the Access tab.
2. Click the SMB f
ile-sharing protocol button.
3. Select th
e Advanced tab on the left side of the pop-up screen.
4. Select the Hide this folder check box.