Shared Folders
ReadyNAS OS 6.0
4. Select the Security tab on the pop-up screen.
5. Configure the file and folder access rights as explained in the following table:
Item Setting
Folder Owner You can assign a single user or the administrator as the folder owner. By default,
the folder owner is set to guest.
Folder Group You can assign a single group, a single user, or the administrator as the folder
up. By default, the folder group is set to guest.
Folder Owner Rights Permissions granted to the folder owner. Make a selection from the drop-down
• Disab
led. The folder owner does not have access rights to the folder.
• Read Only. The folder owner has read-only access to the folder.
• Read
/Write. The folder owner has read/write access to the folder. This is the
default setting.
Folder Group Rights Permissions granted to members of the same group
as the owner’s primary
group. Make a selection from the drop-down list:
• Disab
led. Members of the group have no access to folders that are owned by
a member of the group.
• Read
Only. Members of the group have read-only access to folders that are
owned by a member of the group.
• Re
ad/Write. Members of the group have read/write access to folders that are
owned by a member of the group. This is the default setting.
Folder Everyone Rights Permissions granted to users who are not the folder owner and not members of
folder group. Make a selection from the drop-down list:
• Disab
led. No one outside the folder group has access rights to the folder.
• Read On
ly. Anyone outside folder group has read-only access to the folder.
• Rea
d/Write. Anyone outside the folder group has read/write access to the
folder. This is the default setting.