1. Two Intelligent Keys
2. Mechanical keys with built-in transpon-
der chip (inside Intelligent Keys)
3. Key number plate
Yourvehicle canonlybe drivenwith theIntelligent
Keys which are registered to your vehicle’s Intel-
ligent Key system components and NISSAN Ve-
hicle Immobilizer System components.
Never leave these keys in the vehicle.
As many as 4 Intelligent Keys can be registered
and usedwith one vehicle.The new keysmust be
registered by a NISSAN dealer prior to use with
the Intelligent Key system and NISSAN Vehicle
Immobilizer System of your vehicle. Since the
registration process requires erasing all memory
in the Intelligent Key components when register-
ing new keys, be sure to take all Intelligent Keys
that you have to the NISSAN dealer.
A key number plate is supplied with your keys.
Recordthe keynumber andkeepit inasafe place
(suchas yourwallet),not inthevehicle. Ifyou lose
your keys, seea NISSAN dealer forduplicates by
using the key number. NISSAN does not record
key numbers so it is very important to keep track
of your key number plate.
A key number is only necessary when you have
lost all keys and do not have one to duplicate
from. If you still have a key, your NISSAN dealer
can duplicate it.
Listed below are conditions or occur-
rences which will damage the Intelligent
● Do not allow the Intelligent Key, which
contains electrical components, to
come into contact with water or salt
water. This could affect the system
● Do not drop the Intelligent Key.
● Do not strike the Intelligent Key sharply
against another object.
● Do not change or modify the Intelligent
● Wetting may damage the Intelligent
Key. If the Intelligent Key gets wet, im-
mediately wipeuntil itis completely dry.
● Do not place the Intelligent Key for an
extended period in an area where tem-
peratures exceed 140°F (60°C).
● Do not attach the Intelligent Key with a
key holder that contains a magnet.
● Do not place the Intelligent Key near
equipment that produces a magnetic
field, suchas aTV,audio equipmentand
personal computers.
3-2 Pre-driving checks and adjustments