Static and flutter: During signal interference from
buildings, large hills or due to antenna position
(usually in conjunction with increased distance
from the station transmitter), static or flutter can
be heard. This can be reduced by adjusting the
treble control to reduce treble response.
Multipath reception: Because of the reflective
characteristicsof FMsignals, directandreflected
signals reach the receiver at the same time. The
signals may cancel each other, resulting in mo-
mentary flutter or loss of sound.
AM signals, because of their low frequency, can
bend around objects and skip along the ground.
In addition, the signals can be bounced off the
ionosphere and bent back to earth. Because of
these characteristics, AM signals are also sub-
ject to interference as they travelfrom transmitter
to receiver.
Fading: Occurs while the vehicle is passing
through freeway underpasses or in areas with
many tall buildings. It can also occur for several
seconds during ionospheric turbulence even in
areas where no obstacles exist.
Static: Caused by thunderstorms, electrical
power lines, electric signs and even traffic lights.
When the satellite radio is used for the first time
or the battery has been replaced, the satellite
radio may not work properly. This is not a mal-
function. Wait morethan10 minuteswith satellite
radio ON and the vehicle outside of any metal or
large building for satellite radio to receive all of
the necessary data.
The satelliteradiomode willbe skippedunless an
optional satellite receiver and antenna are in-
stalled and an XMா* satellite radio service sub-
scription is active. Satellite radio is not available
in Alaska, Hawaii and Guam.
Satellite radio performance may be affected if
cargocarried onthe roofblocksthe satelliteradio
If possible, do not put cargo over the satellite
Abuild upof iceonthe satelliteradio antennacan
affect satellite radio performance. Remove the
ice to restore satellite radio reception.
*XMா is a registered trademark of XM Satellite
Radio, Inc.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-49