3. Get out of the vehicle. Look and listen for
steam or coolant escaping from the radiator
before opening the hood. (If steam or cool-
ant is escaping, turn off the engine.) Do not
open the hood further until no steam or
coolant can be seen.
4. Open the engine hood.
If steam or water is coming from the en-
gine, stand clear to prevent getting
5. Visually check drive belts for damage or
looseness. Also check if the cooling fan is
running. The radiator hoses and radiator
should not leak water. If coolant is leaking,
the water pump belt is missing or loose, or
the cooling fan does not run, stop the en-
Be careful not to allow your hands, hair,
jewelry or clothing to come into contact
with, or get caught in, engine belts or the
engine cooling fan. The engine cooling
fan can start at any time.
6. Afterthe enginecoolsdown,check thecool-
ant level in the engine coolant reservoir tank
with the engine running. Add coolant to the
engine coolant reservoir tank if necessary.
Have your vehicle repaired at a NISSAN
When towing your vehicle, all State (Provincial in
Canada) andlocal regulationsfor towingmust be
followed.Incorrect towingequipment coulddam-
age your vehicle. Towing instructions are avail-
able from a NISSAN dealer. Local service opera-
torsare generallyfamiliar withtheapplicable laws
and procedures for towing. To assure proper
towing and to prevent accidentaldamage to your
vehicle, NISSAN recommends having a service
operator tow your vehicle. It is advisable to have
the service operator carefully read the following
● Never ride in a vehicle that is being
● Never get under your vehicle afterit has
been lifted by a tow truck.
● When towing, make sure that the trans-
mission, axles, steering system and
powertrain are in working condition. If
any of these conditions apply, dollies or
a flatbed tow truck must be used.
● Always attach safety chains before
In case of emergency 6-11