
DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 105
B.16 GROUPDGPSTXID Edit Group DGPS ID Configuration
The groupdgpstxid command allows you to edit the DGPS base ID configuration for the group. The
group can be configured to store base ID for one DGPS message type.
The groupdgpstxid set command sets the DGPS base ID configuration for the group named
groupname to type and ID (refer to the DGPSTXID command in the OEMV Family Firmware
Reference Manual, for further details on type and ID).
The groupdgpstxid clear and the groupdgpstxid default commands remove the DGPS base ID
configuration from the group named groupname.
groupdgpstxid set groupname type ID
groupdgpstxid default|clear groupname
B.16.1 Groupuse Translation
groupuse start
If set, the dgpstxid command is issued.
groupuse stop
Message ID = 271
Field Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1Header - - 0
2 Parameter Update, see Table 34 on Page 107 4 Enum none H
3 Group name 12 Char[] none H+4
4 DGPS Type, see Table 73 on Page 165 and Table 33
on Page 106
4 Enum none H+16
5 ID, String [max. 5] or “ANY”
ANY type defaults:
RTCM - 0
RTCMV3 - 0
CMR - 0
The following range values are in affect:
0 CMR ID 31
0 RTCM ID 1023
0 RTCMV3 ID 4095
RTCA: any four character string containing only alpha
(a-z) or numerical characters (0-9)
See also Table 33 on Page 106
5 Char[] none H+20