42 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
Chapter 2 Installation and Setup
Using HyperTerminal to Format the CF Card
1. Establish a physical communication connection between the DL-V3 and the PC/laptop. Either
connect COM1 on the back of the DL-V3 to a DB-9serial port on the PC/laptop or connect the
USB port on the front of the DL-V3 to a USB port on the PC/laptop.
2. Use HyperTerminal to open a communication connection through the USB or COM port.
a. Open the HyperTerminal program from the Start menu.
1. 9600 bps is the default bits per second rate. The example above shows 115200. To
increase the connection rate, please connect the receiver using 9600 and then issue the
COM command to a set a higher rate. Refer to the COM command in the OEMV Family
Firmware Reference Manual.
2. Baud rates higher than 115,200 bps are not supported by standard PC/laptop hardware.
Special PC hardware may be required for higher rates, including 230400 bps, 460800
bps, and 921600 bps.
3. When connected using the USB port, the baud rate is ignored by the USB drivers and
instead the baud rate is as fast as possible. The current highest baud rate is 230400.
b. Open the Properties dialog, select the ASCII Setup button in the Settings tab, check the Echo
typed characters locally check box, select OK and then OK again to return to the main