36 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
Chapter 2 Installation and Setup
Satellite Tracking
The LED that is glowing, and its color, corresponds to the number of GPS-only, or GLONASS
and GPS-combined, satellites being tracked by the DL-V3, where the first LED to the left is #1,
see Table 6:
Table 6: Satellite Tracking LEDs
Flash Card Memory
The number of LEDs that are glowing, and their colors, correspond to the amount of memory
left in the DL-V3’s compact flash card, where the first LED to the left is #1, see Table 7.
If all 5 flash card LEDs are flashing, it can mean that there is no compact flash card in the DL-
V3, or that the card in the unit is not formatted (see Section 2.2.6, DL-V3 Removable Compact
Flash Memory Card starting on Page 39).
Table 7: Flash Card Memory LEDs
Positioning Mode
Which LEDs are glowing, or blinking, or off, and their colors, correspond to the DL-V3’s
current positioning mode. Table 8, Positioning Mode LEDs on Page 37 shows the available
positioning modes and their corresponding LEDs where the first LED to the left is #1, as you
look at the DL-V3, and #5 is the furthest to the right. If the table cell shows the name of a color
(red, amber or green) with a solid background, that LED is glowing solidly. The table cells that
appear dim, behind their color name, indicate that the LED is flashing that color. The LED may
also be off.
LED# # of SVs LED Color
≤ 3
2 4 or 5 Amber
3 6 or 7 Green
4 8 or 9 Green
≥ 10
# of LEDs Capacity LED Color
1 Capacity ≤ 20%
a. This red LED can also mean that the card was not formatted, and
placed in the receiver, when the receiver was powered off.
240% ≥ Capacity > 20% Amber
360% ≥ Capacity > 40% Green
480% ≥ Capacity > 60% Green
5 Capacity > 80% Green