8.0. Using the Control Pad's MENU Button
Menu gives access to specific music selection and control for each
source, as well as zone and system setting capability. The menu
functions defined by NuVoNet change with the selected source. The
selections and control are consistent with all the Control Pad choices
for Renovia. This section outlining the menu functionality uses the
dual gang NV-I8GCP as the representation.
MAIN MENU: There are four Main Menu items that are consistent
to all source selections and pertain to general system and zone
control. They are Favorites, Sources, Advanced Zone Control
and Setup, as shown in Fig. 52.
Main Menu
Adv. Zone Control
Fig. 52
8.1 Favorites: Top-line favorites are global. This is a
conglomeration of playlists, and presets depending on the sources
being used with the system. When IR Macro Presets are assigned,
the first twenty are placed in the Favorites menu. Assigning playlists
and presets from the NuVoNet sources is done within the Options
menu, as shown in Fig. 53. This menu item automatically reflects the
source that is chosen. Within the Options menu is Edit Favorites, as
shown in Fig. 54. When Edit Favorites is chosen, Add to Favorites will
allow you to add any playlists or presets, as shown in Fig. 55. When
the desired choice is highlighted, pressing the OK button completes
the task.
Fig. 53
Main Menu
Play All
iPod Options
Adv. Zone Control
iPod Options
Edit Favorites
Edit Favorites
Dinner Party
--Add to Favorites...
Fig. 54
Fig. 55
8.2 Sources: This offers quick access to the six sources defined in
the system. Third-party sources are defined with a source name in
the Renovia Configurator Software. The NuVoNet sources have a
predefined system name unless you choose to assign a customized
name in the Configurator Software, as shown in Fig. 56.
Mike K’s iPod
Music Server A
Music Server B
Cable Music
Fig. 56
SIRIUS Info (North American Use Only)
There are two sub-menus within this choice. It is only active if the
SIRIUS input for the selected Tuner is being used.
SIRIUS ID: This displays the ID number associated with the
connected SIRIUS Tuner. This number is referenced when activating
the Tuner through SIRIUS, or for customer service issues.
Now Playing Info: This scrolls the metadata for a selected
SIRIUS Channel.