
8.4 Advanced Zone Control: Advanced Zone Control is designed
for user access to temporary zone settings. Each of the zone
parameters set in advanced zone control automatically reset when
an All Off command is issued from a Control Pad, as shown in Fig. 67.
Lock Zone & Off
Adv. Zone Control
Party Mode
Lock Zone
Fig. 67
Party Mode: This setting is turned on and off with the OK
button. When selected, all the configured zones in the system
will turn on and that Control Pad becomes the Host for the
entire house. This function is defeated in an individual zone by
initiating a function on that zone’s Control Pad.
Do-Not-Disturb: This sets a temporary source lock on a
chosen source within that zone. This selection is also turned on
and off by pressing the OK button.
Sleep Mode: The Sleep Mode, when set, allows music to
play in that Control Pad’s zone for a specified amount of time, as
shown in Fig. 68. Once the time election is made, the system
will gradually ramp down in volume and the zone will turn
itself off at the end of the selected time.
Lock Zone: This temporarily locks the zone on the current
source selection. It requires a four digit security code that must
be set in the Settings Tab of the configurator Software. The
security code is entered on the Control Pad by using the Up and
Down arrows to scroll to the first number and pressing OK. The
display will then highlight the next number. Using the process
described above, set the second, third and fourth numbers.
Once the fourth number is set, the zone will remain locked until
the security code is entered to unlock it, as shown in Fig. 69.
Lock Zone & Off: This temporary lock works very much
like Lock Zone, but is used to turn the zone off and requires the
security code to turn the zone back on.
Note that the security code is set in System
Settings tab, Section 6.6.
90 Minutes
120 Minutes
15 Minutes
60 Minutes
30 Minutes
Fig. 68
Lock Code? (5)
Fig. 69