Fig. 61
Fig. 60
AM Threshold
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Enabled Bands
AM Tuners A and B
FM Tuner A and B
Antenna Power
Forced On
Forced Off
Seek Thresholds
AM Threshold
FM Threshold
Fig. 62
Skipped Channels: Undesired SIRIUS channels can be selected
from this list of channels and removed from tuning. To select a
channel, move the highlight to that channel listing and touch
the OK button. This will place a check mark next to that station.
When checked, it will not appear when browsing or tuning
through channels.
Tuner Settings: This menu has six sub-menus designed to set
defaults for the basic user functions of the tuners.
Enabled Bands: Broadcast bands associated with each
Tuner can be turned off here. This is useful especially for
AM where an acceptable AM signal is not possible. If
SIRIUS is disabled, all SIRIUS related menu items will be
removed as opposed to just being grayed out, as shown in
Fig. 60.
Tuning Parameters: There are three sub-menus that set
default tuning:
a. Fine Tuning: This reduces the frequency step to
50 kHz in FM and 1 kHz in AM. With today's digitally
controlled broadcast stations, this feature is rarely
b. Regional Setup: Regional Setup sets the default
tuning standard for four regions of the world. The
choices are US/Canada, Western Europe, Australia,
and New Zealand. Custom is grayed out.
c. Seek Thresholds: The recognized signal level for
AM and FM can be set in this menu. There are three
default levels with 1 being the lowest, requiring a
stronger signal to be recognized and 3 being the
highest, requiring a weak to moderate signal to be
recognized. The default is 2, the middle level, as
shown in Fig. 61.
Enabled Tune Modes: This global function turns the
three tuning modes described previously in the Tuning
Mode paragraph on or off. If a mode is unchecked, that
mode will not appear in the selection list in the Tuning
Mode menu.
Antenna Power: The choices here are Automatic,
Forced ON and Forced OFF. Automatic is the default and
allows the Tuners to recognize a present SIRIUS receiver. In
Automatic, the Tuners let the attached SIRIUS receiver
supply 5 volt power to both the SIRIUS and NV- T2FAA
antennas. In instances where you intend on using a third
party FM antenna, the Forced OFF choice is necessary to
block DC voltage needed for AM reception. Forced ON
supplies DC voltage for AM reception in the presence of a
SIRIUS receiver which is not sharing an antenna cable with
the NV-T2FAA antenna, as shown in Fig. 62.