Because the C200H-LK401 is treated as a Special I/O Unit, the following er-
rors, Error Flags, and Restart Bits are used with it.
Error Causes and status Correction
Waiting for Special I/O
Unit start-up.
Special I/O Unit has a hardware mal-
function. PC will not begin operation.
Replace the abnormal Special I/O Unit with a
new Unit. (Abnormal Unit displays only $s
when I/O table is read.)
Too many Special I/O
Same unit number has been assigned
to more than one Special I/O Unit. PC
will not begin operation. SR bit 25415
is ON.
Set unit numbers so that each is used only
once. (Unit numbers can be accessed by read-
ing the I/O table.)
Error in Special I/O
Refreshing was not normally executed
between CPU and the Special I/O
Unit. Only the abnormal Unit will stop
operation. SR bit 25415 is ON.
Obtain abnormal unit number by reading
AR 0000 to AR 0009, remove the cause of the
error, and then restart by turning on and then
off the appropriate Restart Bit (AR 0100 to
AR 0109). If the Unit does not recover normal
operation after restarting, replace it with a new
The following Error Flags will turn ON when the same unit number is as-
signed to more than one Special I/O Unit, or when the refreshing operation
between the PC and the Special I/O Unit is not normally executed.
Bit Unit number
AR0000 0
AR0001 1
AR0002 2
AR0003 3
AR0004 4
AR0005 5
AR0006 6
AR0007 7
AR0008 8
AR0009 9
The following Restart Bits are turned on, and then back off again to restart
Special I/O Units. It is not necessary to turn off Unit power when its Restart
Bit is used.
Bit Unit number
AR0100 0
AR0101 1
AR0102 2
AR0103 3
AR0104 4
AR0105 5
AR0106 6
AR0107 7
AR0108 8
AR0109 9
Error List for Special I/O
Units (C200H, C200HS,
Error Flags
(C200H, C200HS,
Restart Bits
(C200H, C200HS,
Error Tables Section 7-3