
Appendix B
Item Specification
Communication method 2-conductor, half duplex or 4-conductor, half duplex (if optical links are included.)
Transmission speed 128 kbps
Transmission method Broad scanning
Transmission distance 500 m (total cable length in
System without optical links, including branch lines)
Possible no. of PC Link
Units per System
PC of polling unit Single-level Multilevel
C200H, C200HS, C200HX/HG/HE(-Z),
C1000H, or C2000H
32 16
C500 or C500F 8 8
Transmission LR bits No. of PC Link Units PC of polling unit 2 34 58 916 1732
C200H, C200HS, C200HX/HG/HE(-Z),
C1000H, or C2000H
512 256 128 64 32
C500 or C500F 256 128 64 --- ---
Transmission time 35 ms max. (for 128 bits with 8 PC Link Units)
Diagnostic functions CPU watchdog timer, CRC transmission error check
Interface RS-485
Cable used Shielded twisted pair (C0-HC-ESV-3P x 7/0.2)
--- C500-LK009-V1 C200H-LK401
Current consumption 0.9 A max. at 5 VDC 0.25 A max. at 5 VDC
Weight 800 g max. 400 g max.