
A PC that belongs to two PC Link Subsystems (i.e., has two PC Link Units
mounted to it). A transfer PC can be used to transfer data between the two
PC Link Subsystems to which it belongs.
The distance that a signal can be transmitted.
In OMRON PC terminology, the word Unit is capitalized to indicate any prod-
uct sold for a PC System. Though most of the names of these products end
with the word Unit, not all do, e.g., a Remote Terminal is referred to in a col-
lective sense as a Unit. Context generally makes any limitations of this word
A number assigned to some Link Units and Special I/O Units to assign words
and sometimes other operating parameters to it.
A communications method in which signals are sent over wire cable. Al-
though noise resistance and transmission distance can sometimes be a
problem with wire communications, they are still the cheapest and the most
common, and perfectly adequate for many applications.
A word that can be used for data calculation or other manipulation in pro-
gramming, e.g., LR words not used in a PC Link or Net Link System.
A word written in the LR area by a PC in a PC Link System. The data of the
write words is transferred to the rest of the PCs that share common data
areas, i.e., the write words for one PC are read words for the rest of the PCs
in the PC Link System.
transfer PC
transmission distance
unit number
wire communications
work word
write word