CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2
Bit Name Status Manipulated
Unit operation
0 Unit Error Occurred ON Unit Indicates that an error
occurred that is related to
EtherNet/IP Unit operation.
This flag is turned ON when
any bit in Unit Status 1 is
ON. (Bits 1 to 15 are logi-
cally ORed.)
OFF Unit Indicates that a Unit error
did not occur. This flag is
turned OFF when the error
is cleared.
1Network Error
ON Unit One or more network-
related errors occurred.
(The bits in Communica-
tions Status 1 and 3 are log-
ically ORed.)
OFF Unit Indicates that a network
error did not occur. This flag
is turned OFF when the
error is cleared.
2 to 3 (Not used) --- --- ---
4 Unit Memory Error ON Unit Indicates that an error
occurred in accessing the
Unit’s internal non-volatile
memory (device error).
OFF Unit Indicates that a non-volatile
memory error did not occur.
This flag is not cleared even
if it occurs one time. (Flag
remains ON.)
5 Communications
Controller Error
ON Unit Indicates that an error
occurred in the communica-
tions controller.
OFF Unit Indicates that a communica-
tions controller error did not
occur. This flag remains ON
until the power supply is
turned OFF and ON again.
6 IP Address Duplica-
tion Error
ON Unit An ARP was sent with the
specified IP address, indi-
cating that an IP address
duplication was detected.
An address duplication is
detected if there is an ARP
response. This flag remains
ON until the power supply is
turned OFF and ON again.
(The Ethernet interface will
OFF Unit There was no ARP
7 to 8 (Not used) --- --- ---
9 Link OFF Error ON Unit There was an error estab-
lishing a link with the switch-
ing hub.
OFF Unit A link was established nor-
mally with the switching hub.