
Host Computer Application Example Section 11-9
11-9 Host Computer Application Example
The following procedure provides an example of FTP operations from a host
computer. In this example, the following assumptions are made.
The IP address of the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port is regis-
tered in /etc/hosts on the host name as [cs1].
The default FTP login name is being used (CONFIDENTIAL).
A processing results data file called RESULT.IOM already exists on the
Memory Card in the CPU Unit.
A processing instructions data file called PLAN.IOM already exists on the
The following procedure transfers the processing results file RESULT.IOM
from the Memory Card in the CPU Unit to the workstation and then the pro-
cessing instructions file PLAN.IOM is transferred from the workstation to the
Memory Card in the CPU Unit.
Underlined text is keyed in from the FTP client. The workstation prompt is indi-
cated as $ and the cursor is indicated as .
1,2,3... 1. Start FTP and connect to the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port.
2. Enter the login name.
3. Make sure the Memory Card is inserted. The MEMCARD directory will be
displayed if there is a Memory Card in the CPU Unit.
$ ftp cs1 ··· FTP started.
connected to cs1
220 **IPaddress** CS1W-ETN21 FTP server(FTP**version**)ready
··· Login name
230 Guest logged in.
··· Make sure the Memory Card is inserted.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 opening data connection for ls(**IPaddress**port#**)(0 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
15 bytes received in 0 seconds(**bytes/s)