Other Parameters Section 3-10
Using the Automatic Time Adjustment
Using the Status Area
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Parameters Dialog Box
Setting Function
Auto Adjust Time Not get the time informa-
tion from the SNTP
server or
Get the time information
from the SNTP server
Specifies whether to set the clock in the CPU Unit to the time on
the SNTP server.
The time can be set only in CPU Units with an EtherNet/IP Unit or
a built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Auto Adjust time Sets the time to access the SNTP server to automatically adjust
the CPU Unit clock.
When the specified time arrives, the SNTP server will be accessed
and the clock in the CPU Unit will be set to the time on the SNTP
Server Specification Type Specifies whether to use an IP address or a domain name (i.e.,
host name) to specify the SNTP server to use for automatic time
IP Address Sets the IP address of the SNTP server to use for automatic time
This IP address is valid only when the Server Specification Type is
set to an IP address.
Host Name Sets the host name of the SNTP server to use for automatic time
This IP address is valid only when the Server Specification Type is
set to a host name.
Port No. Sets the port number to use to connect to the SNTP server for
automatic time adjustment. It is normally not necessary to change
this setting.
Retry Timer Sets the time to wait before retrying the connection when connect-
ing to the SNTP server fails.
It is normally not necessary to change this setting.
Adjust Time Sets the time to offset the clock in the CPU Unit when setting the
clock in the CPU Unit to the time obtained from the SNTP server.
To use the time from the SNTP server as is, enter 0 for the Adjust
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Parameters Dialog Box
Setting Function
Status Area Layout Type Specifies whether to use the default setting or a custom setting for
the words allocated to the status area.
Allocation Area Sets the first word in the status area when the Layout Type is set
for a customer setting.
With CS1/CJ1 CPU Units, only an I/O memory address can be set.
With CJ2 or NE1S CPU Units, either an I/O memory address or a
symbol defined in the CPU Unit can be set.