DM Data Transfer Section 5-5
5-5-2 Settings Details
The settings for using the DM data transfer function are made in the Auxiliary
5-5-3 Executing DM Data Transfer
Step 1: Make Auxiliary
Area Settings
To transfer data, the Auxiliary Area settings, described earlier, must be made.
The following settings are made in the Auxiliary Area.
• Slot No. of Motion Control Module for DM Transfer
Specifies the slot number for the Motion Control Module to which DM data
is being transferred.
• Transfer details
• DM Transfer Size (number of words)
• First DM Transfer Source Word
• First DM Transfer Destination Word
Name Address Description Read/write
DM Write Request Bit (Coordinator
Module to Motion Control Module)
A530.00 DM data transfer is executed from the Coordinator Mod-
ule to Motion Control Module when this bit turns ON.
DM Read Request Bit (Motion
Control Module to Coordinator
A530.01 DM data transfer is executed from the Motion Control
Module to Coordinator Module when this bit turns ON.
Slot No. of Motion Control Module
for DM Transfer
A531 Specifies the slot number (in 4-digit hexadecimal) for the
Motion Control Module with which DM data is to be
0001: Motion Control Module #1
0002: Motion Control Module #2
0003: Motion Control Module #3
0004: Motion Control Module #4
DM Transfer Size (number of
A532 Specifies the size, in number of words, of the DM data to
be transferred.
0001 to 01F3 hex (1 to 499 words)
First DM Transfer Source Word A533 Specifies the first address of the DM transfer source in
the Coordinator Module or Motion Control Module.
0000 to 7FFF hex
First DM Transfer Destination
A534 Specifies the first address of the DM transfer destination
in the Coordinator Module or Motion Control Module.
0000 to 7FFF hex
Transfer Error Flag A535.14 Turns ON when a DM data transfer error occurs.
Transfer Busy Flag A535.15 Turns ON during DM data transfer and turns OFF when
the transfer has been completed.
DM Read/Write
Request Bit
Transfer Busy Flag
Transfer Error Flag
Error cleared at start of transfer.
Turns ON when transfer
has been completed if an
error has occurred.